At the age of 16, our founder, Stachakay created a BIO afterschool program in her school for girls who wanted to have a safe and open space to express their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Stachakay realized that she was not the only person in the world who dealt with such events, feelings, and emotions. Through her traumatic events and experiences, BIO was born.
Presently, BIO operates as a nonprofit organization recognized under section 501(c)(3), aiming to empower young individuals to reclaim their voices and destigmatize mental health topics within our community. The incorporation of BIO occurred in 2020.
Copyright © 2020 B.I.O (Beautiful Inside And Out), INC. - All Rights Reserved.
B.I.O. is a 501c(3) taxed-exempt nonprofit organization. We normalize mental health and empower youth to regain their voices and take ownership of their healing process.
You ARE B.I.O. (Beautiful Inside and Out)